Sunday, December 12, 2021
Yummy Honey in my Tummy!
Duckling Update....
Saturday, November 27, 2021
We Have Ducklings!
On Wednesday night two of our eggs hatched and then on Thursday we eagerly watched a third little duckling trying hard to break out of his shell. Their shells must be very hard because it took him all day!
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Baby Ducks?
On Friday we took turns hiding in Mrs Allan's cupboard to 'candle' our duck eggs to see if we have any babies developing in the incubator.....In nine of the eggs we were clearly able to see the air sac at the bottom of the eggs and the rest of the egg was dark, which is an indication that there could be a baby duck growing inside! We have our fingers crossed and have been counting down the days on the calendar until the eggs hatch (hopefully!)
For more photos click - here
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Cool Creations in Rm Tangaroa
I just love working with such a creative bunch of learners! There are new discoveries and creations every day .... and people learning from each other all the time!
See more photos - here
Friday, October 29, 2021
Drop, Cover, Hold!
Today we practiced our earthquake drill as part of the New Zealand ShakeOut! Do you know what to do in an earthquake? Ask anyone in Room Tangaroa and they will be able to tell you - Drop, Cover and hold on!
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Athletics Day - Year 2s
What a fantastic day for athletics today! Everyone was super kia kaha and gave everything a go! The running races were exciting, with all runners giving 100% effort to get to the finish line as fast as they could - kia maia! The tabloid events afterwards were loads of fun too. Check out our photos here
Monday, October 25, 2021
Life Education - 2021
Last week we visited the Life Education truck. We learnt about the different types of food we eat and why it is so important to eat food throughout the day. As always it was lots of fun and Harold the Giraffe was especially entertaining! He had some great jokes to share with us. I wonder if anyone can remember them...... For more photos click here
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Our Mahi in the Mara Kai
For more photos please click - here
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Friday Fun...
In our Happy Place!
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Axel's Awesome Multiplication Flower
Harper's Bee Poem
Monday, September 6, 2021
Fletcher the Brave!
Theo's Busy Counting Owls
Friday, September 3, 2021
Ashley Takes Up the Challenge!
Isaac's 3 x Tables
Axel's Busy Bee!
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Lucy's Latest Learning!
Axel and Isaac's Building Project
Look at Cade's Creative Kai Challenge...
Q = Quince paste.
U = Uncle Bens rice.
W = Wattie's baked beans.
X = Xtra hot sauce
Y = Yellow food colouring.
Z = Zinc vitamin drops.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Jono's Lego Creations
Isaac's Yummy Creations....
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Ryka's Maths
Olive's Kai Challenge
Monday, August 30, 2021
Jerry and Dory's New Friends
An Update From Ryka!
Ryka your SAUSAGE poem is so good it is making me hungry! I agree - they are 'super yummy' and 'good in my tummy'! You've done a great job with your kai challenge as well. What about your underground city? I think I could live there! I'm glad you've enjoyed the lego challenge so far....
Lego Monday at Jack's Place
Mr Allan to the Rescue!
Jack's Green Fingers
Lucy's 3 x Tables
Jono's Dancing Bees
This is a great acrostic poem Jono! I especially like the way you have used several letters of the title to write your ideas - very clever! It is really interesting how the bees sing and dance to each other to tell their friends where to go and find the honey source. Sounds like you know lots about bees too Jono - thanks for sharing!
Jack's Lego Challenge
Cade and Brooklyn's Chalk Creativity.....

Friday, August 27, 2021
Theo and his 'Fruity' Maths
Jack's Amazzzzzzing Bee Work
Yummy Honey in my Tummy!
We finally tried the delicious honey that we were kindly given by McGregor's Honey last term. There were four different flavours - one j...
Look at the beautiful bee that Theo has drawn. He and his family have also put together a clever acrostic poem that gives us lots of infor...
Look at your amazing digraph posters Ryka - tino pai! I'm sure they will help you remember how to write those sounds when you are doi...
Ashley has been busy at home, working on his 'Lego Challenge' creations. Take a look at this cool boat - the challenge was to build...