Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Ryka's Maths
I think I might come and do maths at your place Ryka! M m Ms are one of my favourite lollies and it looks like you've got plenty. What a great idea idea to use them to make arrays to show 3 x 3 and
3 x 10! I wonder how many are left in the array now......
Olive's Kai Challenge
Well done Olive - you managed to find a food for EVERY letter of the alphabet! I wonder how many of these foods you have tasted before - hopefully not the cat and dog food!😁
Monday, August 30, 2021
Jerry and Dory's New Friends
Jerry and Dory are sharing their tank with some new friends! The fish from Rongomatane were having some trouble with their tank so they have come to play with Jerry and Dory, who seem happy to have some company! I hope Jerry and Dory are being kia manawanui and looking after their new friends.
An Update From Ryka!
Ryka your SAUSAGE poem is so good it is making me hungry! I agree - they are 'super yummy' and 'good in my tummy'! You've done a great job with your kai challenge as well. What about your underground city? I think I could live there! I'm glad you've enjoyed the lego challenge so far....
Lego Monday at Jack's Place
Jack has been super busy designing and making this under ground base today. It sounds like he has had heaps of fun creating his base. Great imagination shown here Jack - I wonder where you get your ideas from and how you know what an underground base looks like.....
Mr Allan to the Rescue!
We were out shifting some sheep in the weekend and found this poor little lamb stuck in a hole. He had dug himself in very deep by kicking with his back legs, trying to jump out. It was quite hard for Mr Allan to dig him out again but finally he was free! Luckily his mother was not too far away and when we went back to check on him, she was giving him a drink and his tail was wriggling happily🤍
Jack's Green Fingers
This is the makeshift seed raising house Jack's family have set up at home - what a great idea! It looks like heaps of them are starting to pop up through the soil, which means they can then get transplanted into the vege patch. It sounds like Jack's been doing a great job of planting out and watering the little seedlings.
Lucy's 3 x Tables
Lucy is hard at it again - working on her maths like a pro! What an awesome collection of buttons Lucy, and they are perfect to use to help you with your maths problems. I really like the way you have shown the four groups of three to show 4 x 3 = 12. Keep up the great work!
Jono's Dancing Bees
This is a great acrostic poem Jono! I especially like the way you have used several letters of the title to write your ideas - very clever! It is really interesting how the bees sing and dance to each other to tell their friends where to go and find the honey source. Sounds like you know lots about bees too Jono - thanks for sharing!
Jack's Lego Challenge
Wow Jack has been busy already taking on one of the lego challenges from the Inquiry page on our website. I especially like the cargo you are carrying on your trailer Jack - Whittaker's chocolate is my favourite! It's also great to see Jack has been working hard on his times tables and heart words, in between lego challenges. Tino pai Jack!
Cade and Brooklyn's Chalk Creativity.....
I bet the people on your street had a great time playing your chalk obstacle course Cade! To get to the treasure (& ice cream) you have to avoid the cobra’s,
spiky slugs, creepy crabs, jelly fish & sharks!
. Sounds pretty challenging.....

Friday, August 27, 2021
Theo and his 'Fruity' Maths
Here is Theo busy working on some maths. What a great idea to use the fruit to help you work out your maths problems! Did you get to eat them at the end? 😋 Isn't it great that we can all keep learning even though we aren't in the classroom.
Jack's Amazzzzzzing Bee Work
Jack has shown us how much he knows about bees in this great acrostic poem. I've been so impressed by the variety of ideas people have had to use in their poems - they are all super different and interesting. I really like your diagram of the bees travel throughout the day Jack. It shows that they really are 'busy bees'!
An Update From Scarlet....
Do you recognise any of the famous faces in the photo with Scarlet? I'll give you a clue - they were watching a game of rugby.
Scarlet bumped into them when she was up the coast watching the same game!
Looks Delicious Evie!
Evie has been busy baking. I wish I was at her house yesterday to try some of those chocolate chip biscuits! How many did you eat Evie? Did you share them with the rest of your family?
What's Cade Been Up To?
Looks like you and Frankie got lots of steps in yesterday Cade! I wonder if you can beat 12 795 steps today.......
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Olive's Busy Bee
Look at Olive's bee, busy out collecting nectar from the flowers. Did you know that blue is a bee's favourite colour? I can see that Olive's bee has also got some pollen stuck to its legs. Off she flies now to pollinate some more plants......
Pippa's Bird Trap
More Learning at Ryka's Place
Ryka has made a great array with toy cars to show the times table 6 x 5 =
Do you know what 6 x 5 equals without counting all of Ryka's cars? Can you use your fingers to count in fives to work out the answer?
More awesome bee work too Ryka! Loving the learning at your place!
Theo's Amazing Bee Work!
Look at the beautiful bee that Theo has drawn. He and his family have also put together a clever acrostic poem that gives us lots of information about bees and what they do. I love the word 'hovering' that you have used in your poem Theo. That is a great way to describe how the the bees hold themselves in the air, above the plants and suck nectar!
Lucy and her 5 x Tables
Great to see Lucy hard at work here, practicing her 5 x tables! As you can see there are lots of different ways to learn. Are you finding your times tables are getting easier now Lucy?
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Heze Has Been Busy!
Lots of activity going on at Heze's place. It's great to see Heze and his little brother are being a great help at home, cleaning the car and making delicious things in the kitchen! Lots of Happy Birthday wishes from all of us for last Friday Heze. Your cake looks delicious!
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Mia the Artist
Here are the rocks that Mia was telling us about in our Google Meet this morning. She has been super busy decorating them today. I wonder where you get all your ideas for designs from Mia? I especially like the collection at the top with the ladybird, the rainbow and the 'kia kaha' rock. Which one is your favourite? Thanks for sharing Mia!
No More Tim Tams!
Uh ho - I couldn't even get a photo before people starting tucking into them! No more packet biscuits at my place for a few days - it's time for some real food!
Love this bee poem from Lucy
In this poem Lucy tells us about how the baby bees are waiting for the workers bees to get back to the hive, so they can have some honey to eat. Great information here Lucy!
Cade's Bee Work
It sounds like there have been lots of busy bees doing their work around Cade's place today. Isn't it interesting that it is the females who are the worker bees, collecting the nectar and pollinating all the plants! I'm sure the male drone bees are busy too, back in the hive, taking care of their queen.
Tino pai tau mahi Cade👌
Evie's Bee Work
I agree Evie - bees are such important animals! You've created a great picture of the bee out collecting nectar and pollen from the flowers too. Can you remember what happens when bees pollinate plants?
That's right! A seed begins to grow which then produces the fruit and vegetables that we love to eat!
Fletcher's RC Car
Fletcher has been busy driving his remote control car around outside. It looks pretty powerful Fletcher. I wonder how fast it can go.....Do you have races with other people in your family? I think you said you have got a few of these at your place? What a great way to get outside and keep active while you are home!
Monday, August 23, 2021
Ryka's bee work
Bye Bye Stinging Nettle
A big thank you to everyone who brought newspaper to school for our garden, and to Heze's mum who brought some balage from the farm to lay on top of the newspaper. Hopefully now we have blocked out the light and the air that the stinging nettle plants need to grow, so they won't be able to grow back. Won't it be great if we can work in the garden without worrying about getting stung by stinging nettle!
Weston's Work
Love your bee learning Lucy!
Lucy shared this detailed picture of a honey bee out pollinating flowers and some information about why we need to protect bees so they can keep doing their important job. Tino pai Lucy!
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Hello from Jerry and Dory!
I had a catch up with Jerry and Dory yesterday. They are doing well and happy to looking after our classroom while we are away. They enjoyed their lunch yesterday when I saw them and I will make sure they are getting fed regularly! Do you think they will miss us? I wonder if they have noticed how quiet it is in Room Tangaroa......What do you think?
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Yummy Honey in my Tummy!
We finally tried the delicious honey that we were kindly given by McGregor's Honey last term. There were four different flavours - one j...
Look at the beautiful bee that Theo has drawn. He and his family have also put together a clever acrostic poem that gives us lots of infor...
Look at your amazing digraph posters Ryka - tino pai! I'm sure they will help you remember how to write those sounds when you are doi...
Ashley has been busy at home, working on his 'Lego Challenge' creations. Take a look at this cool boat - the challenge was to build...